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Here's a golden tip for those of you still outcome dependent:
Whenever you're sitting on a number you got from a girl that seemed keen but has turned out to be disinterested in moving things forward, DELETE her number from your phone.
I know, I know.. you read somewhere that these numbers can be rescucitated with a funny text or that AWESOME voicemail message you heard some guru tell you was $$$$$$.
Maybe, but probably NOT.
In stead, by deleting it you're effectively mental nexting the particular girl, thus freeing up a ton of mind-energy to focus on more positive, productive things, like getting laid by that cutie who held eye-contact with you for one looong second on the bus today..
(And when you mental next a girl her spidey sense starts tingling like crazy and often she'll sniff out the complete absence of neediness in you and become massively attracted again and start chasing YOU.
Just remember to ask her "Who is this?" like a good SHB when she calls or texts you back, lol. Make that bitch QUALIFY herself, baby).
Now go empty out your phone and rid it of all those dead numbers weighing you down!
This is a little thing I've been using in field for a good long while now and it works great for me.
I stand around, digging the music in the club and when a hottie comes over and start to hover next to me I look her up and down (from strong eye-contact I let my gaze roll down the entirety of her body and back up to strong EC), lean in and whisper this in her ear:
"You made a real effort tonight and it shows.. and I want you to know I appreciate it.." (credit: Dizzee Rascal for the first half).
THEN I immediately do a back-turn with a sly smile and go back to digging the music.
It's EXTREMELY important you turn away from her right after you delivered this, cuz if you don't you're just another lame chode handing out free attention. And that's obviously NOT the point of this technique.
The hottie will grab me and demand I talk to her or she'll want to dance.. either way, I know what to do from here.
(This move is for guys with solid game, great style and balls only, though. As is everything I pull nowadays.)
There ya go! 
This universal question is the easiest way of gauging if your game gets you percieved as a Lover or a Provider by girls.
If you at any point BEFORE you insert your cock in her get this question, you give off provider-vibes.
Time to be more sexual and much less verbal.
"Yeah, I'm really psyched about this mountain-climb me and my buds are going on this month.. gonnna be AWESOME! In fact, just last year I went down to Chile and had the most amazing time bla-bla-bla.."
* pulls girl onto his lap, smells her neck and grazes the top of her pussy with his hand and slides it up to cup one of her breasts *
Guess which guy gets the "so do you have a GF"-question? 
Here's something to ponder for those of you who's passed beyond the trembling fear of Approach Anxiety and the sweaty palms of kino-escalation:
Lose your pick-up crutches.
Specifically the two recurring ones I see most guys on here stumbling about on...
Alcohol makes you stupid, and in sufficient doses soft in the general penis-area.
It's also a massive DLV to be another drunken monkey boy who has to get hammered before he works up the courage to go talk to a girl. I mean, a GIRL?! (We're not asking you to juggle small, highly volatile nuclear devices here... come on now.)
So just lose the booze, mkay?
And the difference between a guy that has to have friends with him to bolster his ego if the hottie in the bar says a mean thing to him and then ignores him and the guy who can laugh it off while going out SOLO is CONFIDENCE.
Develop it by going out alone. Tonight.
Good luck with your new legs... soon you'll be running across glorious fields of golden corn with a blonde 20 year old nymphomaniac in each hand...
Had an awesome experience last night:
After the club closed all the people pour out into the street.
I see a sexy girl I never got around to talking with inside earlier. She's in her skimpy top and it's freezing.
I smile and ask her:
"Aren't you freezing to death?"
She ignores me at first, but stay close. I repeat my question.
Then she says:
"Why the FUCK are you talking to me?!"
I was totally not bothered. It was actually weird. I instinctively replied with a warm smile and the words:
"Just because you're beautiful doesn't mean you have to hide your great personality like that. I know you're a wonderful person under that facade. I don't care... I LIKE you!"
She BEAMED at me when I said this. I felt fucking awesome for having turned her mood around and given her the courage to just be herself.
She opened right up to me after this and we had a great chat.
She just wanted to be seen for who she really was. So I did.
Been listening to Rihanna's song "Don't stop the music" a lot lately.
What I really like about it is how the words very accurately describe what's going on in the girl during a typical succesful seduction in the club.
It's pretty rare to find pop songs so "matrix aware" and devoid of the usual AFC gushing and supplication.
I've broken it down in it's components (my comments in brackets after the lyrics)...
It's gettin late
I'm making my way over to my favorite place
I gotta get my body moving shake the stress away (She's initially telling herself she's only out to dance)
I wasn't looking for nobody when you looked my way (Sex wasn't on the agenda)
Possible candidate, yeah (A real man... RARE!)
Who knew
That you'd be up in here lookin like you do (He's probably well-dressed and carries himself with confident body language)
You're makin' stayin' over here impossible (She's compelled to give him a proximity IOI)
Baby I must say your aura is incredible (His inner state is shining through)
If you dont have to go, don't (Social hook-point reached)
Do you know what you started
I just came here to party
But now we're rockin on the dancefloor
Acting naughty (She's blaming him for the seduction... clever girl
Your hands around my waist (kino)
Just let the music play
We're hand in hand
Chest to chest
And now we're face to face (kino escalating)
I wanna take you away (The thought of isolation to a seduction location takes form in her mind)
Lets escape into the music
DJ let it play (She knows the music allows her to lose herself in her emotions and that the DJ is the facilitator of this)
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this (He's cool and not creepy)
Keep on rockin to it
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the music (Translation: Please don't stop seducing me!)
Baby are you ready cause its getting close
Don't you feel the passion ready to explode (Sexual state induced in her)
What goes on between us no one has to know
This is a private show, oh (ASD rearing its head)
More chorus, etc...
Bottom line:
This girl is good to go!
There is a quick and easy way to reinforce a good and healthy belief system about yourself that I've been implementing lately.
Basically, it's about identifying subtle ways of charging my mind with power.
Rags mentioned in a reply to a depressed fellow that he should change his avatar from a dark, scary gray blur to a bright sunny sky.
I have recently changed my background image on my cellphone to this image:
It's a painting of the Buddhist deity Fudo Myo. He's angry with the demons that restricts the human mind and clouds it so he cuts away all opposition to enlightment with his flamey sword of righteous WRATH! 
I now look at this image everytime I handle my phone so that's many, many times during the day. I'm literally bombarding my subconscious mind with a positive, empowering impression daily.
My ringtone is "Love In This Club" by Usher because I get a great, happy feeling every time I dance to that song. Same principle as with Fudo.
I am now on a mission to look for as many ways of empowering myself subliminally through sight, sound, touch and smell (just bought an awesome new cologne that really puts me in state whenever I put it on).
Well, you get the idea.. Try it out!