Here's a golden tip for those of you still outcome dependent:
Whenever you're sitting on a number you got from a girl that seemed keen but has turned out to be disinterested in moving things forward, DELETE her number from your phone.
I know, I know.. you read somewhere that these numbers can be rescucitated with a funny text or that AWESOME voicemail message you heard some guru tell you was $$$$$$.
Maybe, but probably NOT.
In stead, by deleting it you're effectively mental nexting the particular girl, thus freeing up a ton of mind-energy to focus on more positive, productive things, like getting laid by that cutie who held eye-contact with you for one looong second on the bus today..
(And when you mental next a girl her spidey sense starts tingling like crazy and often she'll sniff out the complete absence of neediness in you and become massively attracted again and start chasing YOU.
Just remember to ask her "Who is this?" like a good SHB when she calls or texts you back, lol. Make that bitch QUALIFY herself, baby).
Now go empty out your phone and rid it of all those dead numbers weighing you down!
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