I was "approached" by someone who wanted me to write for their commercial site but I feel that since I got these skills for free over the internet, because a bunch of cool dudes decided to share their knowledge with the less fortunate, I am going to keep that tradition alive and post here on mASF where anybody (at least in theory) can read and absorb my ideas.
This is going to be somewhat of a semi-FR because certain things became very clear for me yesterday when I went out.
I have had a sneaking suspicion lately that most guys go out with this "I'll fuck anything"-attitude. I have even had it confirmed by asking guys what type of girl they like (when insta-winging for them) and getting the answer "I don't care, as long as she's hot!" and of course from talking to female friends of mine.. they'll ask me why most guys will hit on anything with a pussy?
So I'm out. It's a slow night a few days after Christmas. There's not really a lot of cute girls (well, at least not the kind of cute I like..)
I come in, get a drink of mineral water and go sit down on a couch next to the dance floor.
A girl catch my eye. She's 18-19, slender and brown-skinned. Long legs. She keeps trying to get EC with me, I keep ignoring her. she's not bad looking.
She's also there with her date, boyfriend, orbiter? Skinny, chode-like fellow with slouching BL and zero masculine presence.
I circulate, say hi to a few regulars like myself. I end up with my back to the bar, facing the dance floor. A random guy tells me how he's moving to São Paulo soon.. and then he calls me big as a house, lol. Free weights, bro.
2 eastern european girls starts to dance a few inches in front of me, plenty of space on the dance floor. I ignore them.
A black chick with a dude in tow comes in. She opens me with "Hi, remember me.. we spent New Years together last year at So & So's..?"
I remember her. I got her number in spring when we ran into each other at carneval but she tried to play games when I called her up so I deleted her from my phone again. I still think she's annoying as fuck. Funny how a shitty attitude can turn an otherwise sexy woman into a complete ogre..
She KEEPS ON talking to me even though I turn my body completely away from her. I end up walking into another part of the club.
This one re-opened me like 5 times during the night. Some of the shit she said:
HB: Are you here with your lady? (WTF?! LADY
HB: I'm here with my cousin.. he's getting married!
HB: Remember me from last New Years? (Yes, she actually asked me that TWICE..)
I am finding it increasingly difficult to make her disappear by ignoring her. Eventually she gets it, though.
Two new girls begin to dance up against me. ALL THE WAY UP AGAINST ME. A blonde and a brunette. I ignore them, they get worse. cock grazing ensue. Neither of them are my type and I really detest drunk horny girls that get handsy..
A couple of black girls comes in. I make sure the large one notices me by looking her in the eye for half a second before I turn away from them.
The hot one drags her off to the dance floor but they return to the bar and stand next to me within 30 seconds. I ignore them, despite their subtle pushing and hair flicking. (At least they're subtle..)
So why didn't I fuck anyone last night? Well, because I have STANDARDS. And the reason why pretty much all of the women in the club last night were throwing themselves at me is because I clearly communicate this by NOT running around like a desperate hobo begging for spare change.
The guys who get this are in my mind the real alpha males. Until you can truly stop giving a fuck about any interaction with a hot girl, even to the point of NOT starting one because you don't need any more pussy in your life, you will always be the one chasing, instead of the one being chased.
I know some of you will come at me with the whole "Yeah, so you just want guys to go out and stand against the wall with their drink in front of their chest"-bullshit and that's fine.
There's no way of "learning" this. Most guys will never get here. Most guys will never become men, either. So be it.
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