Here's something to ponder for those of you who's passed beyond the trembling fear of Approach Anxiety and the sweaty palms of kino-escalation:
Lose your pick-up crutches.
Specifically the two recurring ones I see most guys on here stumbling about on...
Alcohol makes you stupid, and in sufficient doses soft in the general penis-area.
It's also a massive DLV to be another drunken monkey boy who has to get hammered before he works up the courage to go talk to a girl. I mean, a GIRL?! (We're not asking you to juggle small, highly volatile nuclear devices here... come on now.)
So just lose the booze, mkay?
And the difference between a guy that has to have friends with him to bolster his ego if the hottie in the bar says a mean thing to him and then ignores him and the guy who can laugh it off while going out SOLO is CONFIDENCE.
Develop it by going out alone. Tonight.
Good luck with your new legs... soon you'll be running across glorious fields of golden corn with a blonde 20 year old nymphomaniac in each hand...
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