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Here's a golden tip for those of you still outcome dependent:
Whenever you're sitting on a number you got from a girl that seemed keen but has turned out to be disinterested in moving things forward, DELETE her number from your phone.
I know, I know.. you read somewhere that these numbers can be rescucitated with a funny text or that AWESOME voicemail message you heard some guru tell you was $$$$$$.
Maybe, but probably NOT.
In stead, by deleting it you're effectively mental nexting the particular girl, thus freeing up a ton of mind-energy to focus on more positive, productive things, like getting laid by that cutie who held eye-contact with you for one looong second on the bus today..
(And when you mental next a girl her spidey sense starts tingling like crazy and often she'll sniff out the complete absence of neediness in you and become massively attracted again and start chasing YOU.
Just remember to ask her "Who is this?" like a good SHB when she calls or texts you back, lol. Make that bitch QUALIFY herself, baby).
Now go empty out your phone and rid it of all those dead numbers weighing you down!
This is a little thing I've been using in field for a good long while now and it works great for me.
I stand around, digging the music in the club and when a hottie comes over and start to hover next to me I look her up and down (from strong eye-contact I let my gaze roll down the entirety of her body and back up to strong EC), lean in and whisper this in her ear:
"You made a real effort tonight and it shows.. and I want you to know I appreciate it.." (credit: Dizzee Rascal for the first half).
THEN I immediately do a back-turn with a sly smile and go back to digging the music.
It's EXTREMELY important you turn away from her right after you delivered this, cuz if you don't you're just another lame chode handing out free attention. And that's obviously NOT the point of this technique.
The hottie will grab me and demand I talk to her or she'll want to dance.. either way, I know what to do from here.
(This move is for guys with solid game, great style and balls only, though. As is everything I pull nowadays.)
There ya go! 
This universal question is the easiest way of gauging if your game gets you percieved as a Lover or a Provider by girls.
If you at any point BEFORE you insert your cock in her get this question, you give off provider-vibes.
Time to be more sexual and much less verbal.
"Yeah, I'm really psyched about this mountain-climb me and my buds are going on this month.. gonnna be AWESOME! In fact, just last year I went down to Chile and had the most amazing time bla-bla-bla.."
* pulls girl onto his lap, smells her neck and grazes the top of her pussy with his hand and slides it up to cup one of her breasts *
Guess which guy gets the "so do you have a GF"-question? 
Here's something to ponder for those of you who's passed beyond the trembling fear of Approach Anxiety and the sweaty palms of kino-escalation:
Lose your pick-up crutches.
Specifically the two recurring ones I see most guys on here stumbling about on...
Alcohol makes you stupid, and in sufficient doses soft in the general penis-area.
It's also a massive DLV to be another drunken monkey boy who has to get hammered before he works up the courage to go talk to a girl. I mean, a GIRL?! (We're not asking you to juggle small, highly volatile nuclear devices here... come on now.)
So just lose the booze, mkay?
And the difference between a guy that has to have friends with him to bolster his ego if the hottie in the bar says a mean thing to him and then ignores him and the guy who can laugh it off while going out SOLO is CONFIDENCE.
Develop it by going out alone. Tonight.
Good luck with your new legs... soon you'll be running across glorious fields of golden corn with a blonde 20 year old nymphomaniac in each hand...
Had an awesome experience last night:
After the club closed all the people pour out into the street.
I see a sexy girl I never got around to talking with inside earlier. She's in her skimpy top and it's freezing.
I smile and ask her:
"Aren't you freezing to death?"
She ignores me at first, but stay close. I repeat my question.
Then she says:
"Why the FUCK are you talking to me?!"
I was totally not bothered. It was actually weird. I instinctively replied with a warm smile and the words:
"Just because you're beautiful doesn't mean you have to hide your great personality like that. I know you're a wonderful person under that facade. I don't care... I LIKE you!"
She BEAMED at me when I said this. I felt fucking awesome for having turned her mood around and given her the courage to just be herself.
She opened right up to me after this and we had a great chat.
She just wanted to be seen for who she really was. So I did.
Been listening to Rihanna's song "Don't stop the music" a lot lately.
What I really like about it is how the words very accurately describe what's going on in the girl during a typical succesful seduction in the club.
It's pretty rare to find pop songs so "matrix aware" and devoid of the usual AFC gushing and supplication.
I've broken it down in it's components (my comments in brackets after the lyrics)...
It's gettin late
I'm making my way over to my favorite place
I gotta get my body moving shake the stress away (She's initially telling herself she's only out to dance)
I wasn't looking for nobody when you looked my way (Sex wasn't on the agenda)
Possible candidate, yeah (A real man... RARE!)
Who knew
That you'd be up in here lookin like you do (He's probably well-dressed and carries himself with confident body language)
You're makin' stayin' over here impossible (She's compelled to give him a proximity IOI)
Baby I must say your aura is incredible (His inner state is shining through)
If you dont have to go, don't (Social hook-point reached)
Do you know what you started
I just came here to party
But now we're rockin on the dancefloor
Acting naughty (She's blaming him for the seduction... clever girl
Your hands around my waist (kino)
Just let the music play
We're hand in hand
Chest to chest
And now we're face to face (kino escalating)
I wanna take you away (The thought of isolation to a seduction location takes form in her mind)
Lets escape into the music
DJ let it play (She knows the music allows her to lose herself in her emotions and that the DJ is the facilitator of this)
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this (He's cool and not creepy)
Keep on rockin to it
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the music (Translation: Please don't stop seducing me!)
Baby are you ready cause its getting close
Don't you feel the passion ready to explode (Sexual state induced in her)
What goes on between us no one has to know
This is a private show, oh (ASD rearing its head)
More chorus, etc...
Bottom line:
This girl is good to go!
There is a quick and easy way to reinforce a good and healthy belief system about yourself that I've been implementing lately.
Basically, it's about identifying subtle ways of charging my mind with power.
Rags mentioned in a reply to a depressed fellow that he should change his avatar from a dark, scary gray blur to a bright sunny sky.
I have recently changed my background image on my cellphone to this image:
It's a painting of the Buddhist deity Fudo Myo. He's angry with the demons that restricts the human mind and clouds it so he cuts away all opposition to enlightment with his flamey sword of righteous WRATH! 
I now look at this image everytime I handle my phone so that's many, many times during the day. I'm literally bombarding my subconscious mind with a positive, empowering impression daily.
My ringtone is "Love In This Club" by Usher because I get a great, happy feeling every time I dance to that song. Same principle as with Fudo.
I am now on a mission to look for as many ways of empowering myself subliminally through sight, sound, touch and smell (just bought an awesome new cologne that really puts me in state whenever I put it on).
Well, you get the idea.. Try it out!
Whenever a girl tells me this, I know we're having sex tonight. 
If a girl flakes on you and you haven't F-closed her yet next her hard.
There's only two kinds of girls:
-Girls that will flake
-and girls that will fuck
They never move from the first category to the second.
So by keeping this frame of nexting any chick that wastes your time and flakes on you, you cut your losses early and move through a higher volume of chicks until you weed out the flakes and find the ones that will fuck you.
(Credit to Neo-Rio for the underlying concept).

OK, so I am getting somewhat irritated with the general confusion surrounding the Next and it's different forms.
Hence this short post on the definitions as I have come to understand them.
Obviously, these are open to debate, which is why I'm even making this post but some people have gotten the original terms ass-backwards in my opinion.
NEXT: The act of moving on from one particular woman to the- yup- NEXT one. (So, if you haven't moved on you really haven't nexted her, have you?
Hard next: Cutting ANY and ALL contact with a woman. NO phonecalls, NO texts, NO emails and NO writing on their Facebook-wall. NO CONTACT, get it?!
Soft next: Stopping any SEXUAL contact with a woman. Everything else stays the same as before the soft next, except you're not fucking her anymore. This is like a non-verbalised LJBF.
The Zan: This is telling a woman that you have fallen deeply in love with her but you know that you're just going to hurt her because you love women too much and this is why you can't be with her anymore. (Short version, DAFS for the OP by Zan for details). After delivering this you ACTUALLY HAVE nexted her and have to be completely OK with never seeing her again. Then, if she should come back, you now have her tacit permission to pursue other women (discreetly) because she has accepted your new EFA of being a polyamourous player.
Mental next: This is when you next her in your mind.. she doesn't have to be with you while this happens. It's simply putting her out of your mind for a shorter or longer time period and she has no idea that she's been nexted until the mental next turns into an actual hard or soft next (which it may never do if her behaviour that caused the mental next changes in the meantime).
Freeze-out: A technique used in battling LMR where you put your focus and energy on something other than the girl (TV, food, putting on a CD etc.). Some people will pout when they do this and thus render this technique completely useless as it is designed to demonstrate sexual non-neediness and let's face it, pouty guys who gets visibly upset about not getting pussy really aren't very sexually non-needy.. 
Hope this clears things up a bit.
Becoming a Man isn't something that Nature takes care of for us anymore. These times it is still quite feasible for a 40-year old to live at home with his parents, never having fucked a real girl, with only his Playstation for company.
Although this is probably an extreme example, it is definitely relevant and I suspect many of the users of this board are still in their early 20s and not yet "manly" in a way that will have girls attracted to them on mere sight.
Becoming a Man is HARD and a lonely undertaking, but NOT optional, if you have a penis dangling between your legs. It is precisely the willingness to endure hardship that separates the Men from the boys. (Look at the ancient Spartans).
The following is a list of activities I personally have found extremely helpful in developing the MIND of a Man rather than nursing my inner child.
1. This one has been drilled into your skull (hopefully) but it's still so important I'll start my list with it:
Lift heavy weights. A muscular build is incredible "manly" and will aid in retaining your levels of testosterone as you grow out of adolescence. Do it. (Long distance running is also a superb way of developing mental endurance, but should always be a supplement to weight lifting, never a substitute.)
2. Learn a martial art. These skillsets were developed by people who survived actual life-and-death combat and the underlying philosophy should hopefully reflect this fact. I personally prefer the tried and tested methods of traditional Japanese martial art, Kobudo, but combat-tested styles exists everywhere in the world. Full contact sparring is definitely a necessity, though, so if your chosen style doesn't offer this, enter MMA-tournaments to learn what a fight with someone very good and hell-bent on hurting you feels like. Alternatively, train in all the different schools you can for a shorter period, learning the basics of each system. This will eventually give you a great overview and a good perspective of what works and what is just "mat-jockeying".
3. Heavy bag work. Get a heavy punching bag and hang it somewhere in your home. Use it to develop your ability to kick and punch HARD and to develop your own confidence in this ability. I don't really have to explain why knowing you can knock out most guys with a single hard punch to the jaw is "manly", do I?
4. Conditioning of your body weapons. In Okinawan Karate a tool called the "Makiwara" is used to achieve hard knuckles, edge of the hand, elbows and toes, etc. Drilling your hands into sand, punching and kicking rocks or tree trunks or stripping them of their bark with your fingers are other related methods, as is banging a wooden club or a heavy-duty bottle against your shins and forearms. This will get you accustomed to the sensation of pain and gradually desensitize
your mind to its effects.
5. Join the military. Learning the skills needed to survive on the battle field today is still the fastest route to becoming a Man. Just don't bitch about it being "too hard"... It's fucking SUPPOSED to be, remember?!
Good luck,
I was "approached" by someone who wanted me to write for their commercial site but I feel that since I got these skills for free over the internet, because a bunch of cool dudes decided to share their knowledge with the less fortunate, I am going to keep that tradition alive and post here on mASF where anybody (at least in theory) can read and absorb my ideas.
This is going to be somewhat of a semi-FR because certain things became very clear for me yesterday when I went out.
I have had a sneaking suspicion lately that most guys go out with this "I'll fuck anything"-attitude. I have even had it confirmed by asking guys what type of girl they like (when insta-winging for them) and getting the answer "I don't care, as long as she's hot!" and of course from talking to female friends of mine.. they'll ask me why most guys will hit on anything with a pussy?
So I'm out. It's a slow night a few days after Christmas. There's not really a lot of cute girls (well, at least not the kind of cute I like..)
I come in, get a drink of mineral water and go sit down on a couch next to the dance floor.
A girl catch my eye. She's 18-19, slender and brown-skinned. Long legs. She keeps trying to get EC with me, I keep ignoring her. she's not bad looking.
She's also there with her date, boyfriend, orbiter? Skinny, chode-like fellow with slouching BL and zero masculine presence.
I circulate, say hi to a few regulars like myself. I end up with my back to the bar, facing the dance floor. A random guy tells me how he's moving to São Paulo soon.. and then he calls me big as a house, lol. Free weights, bro.
2 eastern european girls starts to dance a few inches in front of me, plenty of space on the dance floor. I ignore them.
A black chick with a dude in tow comes in. She opens me with "Hi, remember me.. we spent New Years together last year at So & So's..?"
I remember her. I got her number in spring when we ran into each other at carneval but she tried to play games when I called her up so I deleted her from my phone again. I still think she's annoying as fuck. Funny how a shitty attitude can turn an otherwise sexy woman into a complete ogre..
She KEEPS ON talking to me even though I turn my body completely away from her. I end up walking into another part of the club.
This one re-opened me like 5 times during the night. Some of the shit she said:
HB: Are you here with your lady? (WTF?! LADY
HB: I'm here with my cousin.. he's getting married!
HB: Remember me from last New Years? (Yes, she actually asked me that TWICE..)
I am finding it increasingly difficult to make her disappear by ignoring her. Eventually she gets it, though.
Two new girls begin to dance up against me. ALL THE WAY UP AGAINST ME. A blonde and a brunette. I ignore them, they get worse. cock grazing ensue. Neither of them are my type and I really detest drunk horny girls that get handsy..
A couple of black girls comes in. I make sure the large one notices me by looking her in the eye for half a second before I turn away from them.
The hot one drags her off to the dance floor but they return to the bar and stand next to me within 30 seconds. I ignore them, despite their subtle pushing and hair flicking. (At least they're subtle..)
So why didn't I fuck anyone last night? Well, because I have STANDARDS. And the reason why pretty much all of the women in the club last night were throwing themselves at me is because I clearly communicate this by NOT running around like a desperate hobo begging for spare change.
The guys who get this are in my mind the real alpha males. Until you can truly stop giving a fuck about any interaction with a hot girl, even to the point of NOT starting one because you don't need any more pussy in your life, you will always be the one chasing, instead of the one being chased.
I know some of you will come at me with the whole "Yeah, so you just want guys to go out and stand against the wall with their drink in front of their chest"-bullshit and that's fine.
There's no way of "learning" this. Most guys will never get here. Most guys will never become men, either. So be it.
OK, here it is. My compiled post on the differences between the three fundamental types of females we can run into in the club.
The terms hold no judgement to me. I have a strong dislike for political correctness so I have retained the original terminology, both as a tribute to the greats who coined them (I didn't) and also because I like the fact that Andro-Feminists choke on them so easily, lol.
* * *
They can be deceptively tricky to spot if you don't know what to look for.
I'm amazed at the number of posts here about a girl with clear-cut freak tendencies doing in some poor chumps head having him thinking about all the cute GF/BF stuff they're going to be doing in the future (right after he figures out how to fuck her...)
Here's MY observations as well as a few rules of thumb I've picked up reading on mASF:
-Hats. Freaks love wearing them in-doors and they look so sexy doing it (credit: Lifeguard)
-Tattoos and piercings. The more the freakier.
-Smoker. * couch-couch *
-Overtly sexy clothes. Freaks seem to have a knack for finding outfits that are both a few sizes too small and leave as little to your imagination as possible. (BTW, is every woman in Brazil a freak or what?)
-Stilettos. Ouch. A personal must for me if I'm taking a girl home, but no self-respecting freak would be caught dead going out in a boring pair of flat shoes.
-Go-go dancing. Freaks will ALWAYS take up the spot in the club where the largest number of salivating chodes can see them dance.
-Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde syndrome. A freak will often switch between grinding on a random guy only to ferociously bitch-slap him 2 minutes later for grabbing her ass.
-Two-toned hair. You know, black hair with blonde streaks or vice versa. ALWAYS a clear freak-indicator. (PlayerSupreme says many hair-dressers are freaks... cuts back on the expenses towards new hair styles and dye, I guess.)
-Big hoop ear-rings. Biiiiig freak warning lamp.
-Heavy alcohol/drug abuse is very common with freaks. Sometimes they emit a weird "emotional black hole"-type of energy when under the influence».
-Freaks seem to have problems holding on to female friends for very long.. the hard-core clubber freaks I personally know of almost always shows up every weekend with a different girl-friend in tow, and when asked what happened to so-and-so they reply with: "Yeah, she's a total slut, we hate her, and she's such a loser, yada-yada-yada.."
-Orbiters. Freaks collect them like filatelists collects stamps. (Don't be one!)
-About half of the women in the bars or clubs are freaks (credit: Franco)
DO's and DON'Ts around freaks:
-DO ignore them initially.
-DO make aggressive eye contact (think stare-down before a boxing match)
-DO command them around/push or shove them out of your way.
-DO go into sexual state directed at another HB NEXT to the freak (credit: ijjjji)
-DON'T stare at their sexual display in the club. Never look directly at a freak, instead look through her like SHBs do when you try to get eye contact with them.
-DON'T do anything that can be interpreted as "nice". If a freak demands a favour from you, feel free to use my stock answer: "Get it yourself, I'm not your fuckin' prison bitch."
-DON'T react to any jealousy plotlines or attempts to make you compete for the freak. Just walk away without a word and open another HB in full sight of the freak. She'll either get right back on your lap or blow up in a psycotic display of sluttiness... either way the night's entertainment is secured, lol!
The Freak-test:
If you treat her nice she responds by giving you shit, if you treat her like shit she responds with being nice (credit: Kwagmyre).
* * *
I must admit I always steer the fuck clear of ho's except to fuck a little with them when they try to hustle me for drinks...
But I do have an amazingly hot pivot with clear-cut ho traits, so I frequently pimp her out when we're rolling together. The bulk of the following observations are based on my dealings with her as well as the ho's I've come across in the clubs:
-Ho's dress for the symps. Meaning they'll look sexy but as opposed to the freak a ho will try to attract a "provider" rather than a "lover" so their outfits are less slutty and more classy.
-Bling! Never seen a ho without expensive jewelry. Bracelets and pendants, ear-rings and chunky stones on the finger are the order of the day. ("Gifts" from admirers, no doubt!)
-"Buy me a drink!" If you hear that line coming out of the mouth of a girl you met less than a minute ago, she's a ho.
-"Let me buy you a drink!" If you hear that line coming out of the mouth of a girl you met less than a minute ago she's a REALLY, REALLY GOOD ho. Watch out!
-Ho's never leave the bar for long. You'll find your garden variety ho hanging out in close vicinity to the bar at all times as this is prime fishing waters for generous chumps hoping to score with the sexy ladies that just happens to be located conveniently near the 300$ champagne, lol.
-Ho's are DIRECT. Their pussy is the tool of their trade and time is money. The instant a ho realize you can't be chumped, you're DUMPED. Ho's are also very vulnerable to game as they themselves are never gamed; they do all the gaming normally. (credit: jetsetjim).
-Ho's are NOT gonna allow you to game them when they're working, so find out when they're on their own time. This is when they're open to being gamed (credit: Lunarfault).
DO's and DON'Ts around ho's:
-DO make her understand you're a High Value Male whose value is so much higher than hers that she should be thankful you'll even spend time chatting with her (credit. jetsetjim).
-DO cultivate an "insider-mentality" with ho's as in "Yeah, I know what's up with you.. I'm not buying, but I'll help you land a symp to skin so we can split the loot.." Then befriend her by making fun of the dudes buying you two free drinks. (Us vs. Them bubble).
-DON'T buy a ho a drink!!! (Duh.) And don't do any favours, demand favours from her instead. If she's asking for a light, make her pass you a coaster for your drink or a cigarette from her pack, etc. Basic compliance.
-The Ho litmus-test: Tell her you just lost your job and that you're living on a buddy's couch for a few months until you get back on your feet and watch the ho do an instant back-turn only to never acknowledge your existence again.
* * *
Good Girls.
Lets start with the master himself, PlayerSupreme, and his definition:
"The good girl. This is the type of B*tch whom a N*gga wants to marry or settle down with. She is the nice one who does everything for her man. She comes from her heart. Everything that she does is based around how in love with you that she is."
And the brilliant mind of Franco spawned this gem in a reply to a post of mine on my relationship with a GG:
"A Good Girl can be as ruthless as a Freak or a Ho in shit testing but the purpose of her shit testing is different.
Good Girls test men for safety, there where Freaks test to gain validation and sex and Ho´s to make money and gain material possessions.
Good Girl is not the same like "kind" or "sweet" or "submissive".
For sure: the same thing which makes girls horny makes also them unsecure.
A Good Girl at this point will shit test you to check is she safe.
Many Good Girls damage themselves when they shit test a strong guy for safety but when unexperienced they miscalibrate and start to do shit like putting him to compete with other guys.
You can´t punish that in the same way you would punish a Ho or a Freak for the same behavior because the motivation for doing that to you is different.
I do not mean be a nice guy, I mean calibrate."
* * *
So far, so good, girl.. (shit, couldn't help myself!)
Here are my observations from the field... I have picked up a sizeable amount of GGs and these sweeping generalizations apply to most of them, IME.
-A GG will usually be out in the club with at least one girlfriend, often she'll be part of a larger group. Going lone wolf seems extremely rare.
-A GG will insist on paying for her own drinks. A useful little screening routine I run early on in set is to bring up the subject of men paying girls for their time with drinks and how sad and lame that is. The GG will usually go on a rant about how she ALWAYS pays her own way, "I make my own money and I'm an independent girl, no man is paying for me!"... classic good girl.
-The GG will NOT be down for a bout of slobbery making out on the dance floor in front of all of her friends, unlike the freak. The GG needs privacy and comfort away from prying eyes for the kiss to happen. Same goes for hard-core grinding. If the girl is riding your dick after 30 secs. she NOT a GG.
-A GG dresses somewhat more conservative when going out... sure, she may show a bit of cleavage or wear a miniskirt but her overall appearance is more "subdued" than that of the highly sexualized freak (who dress for attention) or the ho (who dress sexy for the suckers, lol). Likewise, the GG will wear stillettos if it's in style only (so there's no GGs in the club in clear plastic heels!)
-The GG will respond favourably to requests for compliance when she trusts you. Asking her to get you something or pay for you (on day2s) makes her feel needed and gives her a way to show her love. This last point is probably the single most important one to remember when dealing with GGs.
-GGs have little to no game. They're the female equivalent of the AFC. They're highly prone to develop oneitis (or Magic relationship Syndrome, as this phenomenon has recently been idenfied by Tubarao as!).
-GGs have pride, they care what others think of them, unlike ho's and freaks (credit: jetsetjim).
DO's and DON'Ts around Good Girls:
-DO tone down the high octane type game... be genuine and laid back, don't fry a GGs circuits with too much Cocky/Funny or push-pull.
-DO realise you run the very real risk of making this GG fall head over heels in love with you.. for many reasons this can be problematic if you're only looking to get it wet once. Freaks were BORN to fuck, go for the ONS with one of those (and if you can't, develop the skills to do so!)
-DON'T skip rapport and comfort with a GG. Be OK with the fact she may need to see you for both a day3 or a day4 before she's ready for the full close. Have FBs you can go see after these day2s with GGs that aren't quite there yet..
-DON'T forget that a GG will have a slutty, sexy side to her, she just needs time and comfort to allow herself to express this. Help her out patiently by leading.. ("Who's your daddy?").
* * *
This is it.
Read and re-read until the differences between the three female archetypes are so ingrained in your psyche that you can identify a woman correctly within seconds when in field.
My club game sky-rocketed after I internalised this knowledge. I now rarely mis-calibrate to a girl after having labeled her according to this model.
Sure, most chicks are 80% Freak and 20 % GG (or more likely 100% freak with a thin veneer of good girl smeared over), or 80% GG and 20% Ho, but when you start to get good at reading the signs, FIELD EXPERIENCE will tell you how to play any particular female right.